විදේශ මුදල් හුවමාරු කරන්නන් සඳහා විධානයන් සහ මාර්ගෝපදේශ

බලයලත් විදේශ මුදල් හුවමාරු කරන්නන් සඳහා (AMCs)සඳහා මෙහෙයුම් මාර්ගෝපදේශය

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) Supervision on Authorized Money Changers (AMCs) by Department of Foreign Exchange

In terms of the Section 23 of the Financial Transactions Reporting Act No. 6 of 2006 (FTRA) and Foreign Exchange Act, No. 12 of 2017(FEA) the Department of Foreign Exchange (DFE) conducts supervision on Authorized Money Changers (AMCs) which are permitted to buy and exchange foreign currencies. Updated list of AMCs can be found in Companies Permitted to Engage Money Changing Business

The Purpose of the AML/CFT supervision of AMC by DFE is to monitor compliance with the AML/CFT requirements prescribed by Financial Intelligence Unit of Central Bank of Sri Lanka (FIU) and informing the detected non-compliance to FIU for necessary actions. 

DFE follows the risk-based approach in prudential monitoring of compliance to FEA and to evaluate the overall inherent risk of ML/TF of AMCs, while considering the risk mitigating measures that have been implemented by AMCs.  Inherent risk of AMCs is assessed in accordance with the AML/CFT global standards covering products/services, customers, delivery channels and geographic locations. The adequacy of the risk mitigation by the respective entities are assessed using the quality of Policies and Procedures in respect of Targeted Financial Transactions, Customer Due Diligence, Political Exposed Persons, Compliance, Reporting of Suspicious Transactions, Staff Training, Record Keeping, Employee Screening and Risk Management.

As the first step to the supervision process the overall ML/TF risk is derived combining ML/TF risk, compliance risk, operational risk and the market risk with the quality/level of risk mitigation process adopted by each entity, in accordance with the offsite tool developed with the technical assistance of International Monetary Fund. The supervision plan for each year is designed based on the overall risk profiles of individual AMC.

The staff of AMCs are expected to have a clear understanding about their responsibilities and obligations to comply with the AML/CFT framework of the country. DFE through regular supervisions assesses whether the AMCs are complying with the AML/CFT Framework and reports any non-compliance to the FIU. 

Legislations relating to the AML/ CFT Supervisions can be accessed at Financial Intelligence Unit of Sri Lanka

බලයලත් විදේශ මුදල් හුවමාරු කරන්නන්ගෙන් සේවා ලබා ගැනීමේදී මහ ජනතාව පිළිපැදිය යුතු උපදෙස්

Under Construction

Instructions for general public when obtaining services from Authorized Money Changers

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